How to scan for Malware using Windows Defender in Windows 11

The Windows operating system is one of the most widely used computer operating systems on the market and, with such a large user base, it is usually a prime target when it comes to threats and attacks. However, Microsoft offers a built-in tool called Windows Defender to protect your system from threats, viruses, and malware.

For the uninitiated, malware is a term used to identify any malicious program or file that intends to infect a system or server. Malware is usually designed with protections and firewalls in mind, so it needs dedicated tools designed to identify and remove them from infected systems.

Thankfully, the newly released Windows 11 operating system comes with Windows Defender, a built-in security tool from Microsoft. It is quite useful and capable of identifying and managing viruses.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to scan your Windows 11 computer for malware using Microsoft’s Windows Defender security tool.

How to scan for malware using Windows Defender in Windows 11

Step 1: Open the Settings application on your Windows 11 computer.

Step 2: When the app opens, click on the “Privacy and Security” option from the left sidebar.


Step 3: Next, click on “Windows Security” and then click on the “Open Windows Security” button.

Step 4: When the Windows Security app opens, click on the “Virus & threat protection” option.


Step 5: On the Virus & Threat Protection page, click the “Scan Options” link.

Step 6: Select the type of scan you want to run on your computer, then click the “Scan Now” button.


That’s all. After following the step-by-step guide mentioned above, your computer will start scanning your system for malware and other security threats based on the scan type you selected. When the scanning process is underway, you can continue to use your computer. The program will scan for problems in the background and show a notification on the screen when the scan is complete.

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