Hirochi Maki’s sketchy skateboarding manga ends

KodanshaThe manga site Young Magazine Web has published the first part of the last chapter of Hirochi Makiois incomplete I received it on Tuesday. The manga will conclude with the next part of the chapter.

The manga centers on Ako Kawasumi, a woman who works in a movie rental shop. Between her work and her boyfriend, her days pass in a different haze. But one day she sees a skateboarder who wins her heart. Slowly, all the hopes she had given up and the future she had imagined are returning, and before it’s too late, she decides to change herself. This is the story of women fascinated by skateboarding.

Maki launches the manga Kodanshais Young magazine Le 3 In 2019, more series were taken monthly magazine for young people in April 2021. The manga also began serialization on Young Magazine Web in the same year. Kodansha He released the fifth volume of the manga’s compiled book on February 18.

Kodansha comics maki published digitally Is Kichijoji the only place to live? ,Kichijoji dake ga sumitai machi desu ka?) Manga in English. manga inspired A live-action series in October 2016. maki’s Itsuka Tiffany by Chushoku O ,One day there will be breakfast at Tiffany’s.) also inspired a live-action series that first premiered in October 2015.

Source: Young magazine website and Twitter Account

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