Media: Elon Musk made a full release on Twitter

Elon Musk took to Twitter, wrote more media. Then skal han ha sparket flere toppledere.

An American intermediary in Elon Musk is quite active on Twitter. Then he allegedly fired several top leaders.
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The media, written by Business Insider, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, and the New York Times, all wrote about this announcement from a person with a date unknown.

Angivelig skal Musk has fired the company’s top leaders like etter after he took over, among them CEO Parag Agrawal and CFO Ned Segal.

Musk og Twitter kom i rettslig konflikt ettter at milliardæren tried to pull back the offer om å kjøpe meldingstjenesten for 44 billion dollars. Twitter gikk til sak for å forcem ham til å stå ved kjøpsavtalen.

En domstol ga Musk frist til petrag med å complete kjøpsavtalen fra april. Verken Musk or Twitter are official and avtal er i boks.

Twitter-acsjen e tatt av handel on the New York Stock Exchange Friday, går det frem av børsens websteller.

Musk shared on Twitter that he posted and posted news.

– I want to improve the product with new functions, make the algorithms openly available, fight spam robots and authenticate all people. Twitter has huge potential, as Musk has been publicized by the press to do so.

Musk said that we will now make current comments of US President Donald Trump on Twitter. Milliardæren mener det var feil å utestenge Trump permanent.


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