Five Skincare Mistakes to Avoid

Climate change forces our skin to adapt to external conditions. We spend more time and money on skin care products than we care to admit in order to achieve clear, youthful looking skin. What really hurts is when we use products that end up destroying our skin in the rush to find a quick fix. Many of these remedies contain ingredients that cause more harm than good, leading to common skin care mistakes.

Dr. Aparna Sanatham, dermatologist and skin expert, ITC Charmis talks to us about some substantive mistakes that most of us don’t even know we’re making with our skincare routine that damages our skin

Not removing makeup the right way

After a long hectic day, you also resort to makeup remover wipes to remove makeup and avoid discomfort, right? However, while cleansing wipes can give you the feeling of fair skin, they don’t necessarily remove makeup completely, they just spread dirt and bacteria deeper into your pores. Cleaning the skin with a mild cleanser (such as a facial cleanser) is the key to removing makeup. A good skincare routine requires cleansing, to help remove dirt, oil, and other unwanted debris.

Do not use the serum

Face serum is a great step after cleansing and before hydration. The face serum acts as a secret weapon in your skincare routine to address specific skin problems – such as discoloration, dullness, wrinkles or acne – by delivering active ingredients to your skin with a twinkle that turns heads. Designed to nourish, protect and moisturize the skin: a face serum is water based, easily absorbed, provides active ingredients to the skin and does not leave the face greasy.

You can always use a serum depending on your skin care needs.

  • Anti-Acne Serum: If you have acne-prone skin, salicylic acid serum works well.
  • Moisturizing Serum: Moisturize the skin with a super moisturizing face serum.

Excessive exfoliation

Too much of a good thing can also cause a problem. In the pursuit of clear, smooth, and glowing skin, many people over-exfoliate by applying chemical-based scrubs every other day (or even more frequently). The truth is, your skin doesn’t regenerate fast enough to withstand constant polishing. Excessive exfoliation will eventually lead to dry, flaky skin. Skin rashes are another common reaction, especially small, rough and bumpy pimples.

Skip the sunscreen

Sunscreen application may not be included in your skincare routine if you don’t go out on a sunny day, but it should be. Even indoors, sitting in front of a computer screen, your skin can be affected by blue light, UVA and UVB rays. Throughout the year, even indoors during the winter, it’s important to keep applying an SPF and not rely solely on makeup with an SPF formula included.

Follow trends blindly

There are skin care fads on the internet these days that everyone can’t wait to try. You need to pay attention to what is happening to your skin and only use products that are suitable for the skin. Take your time to find out the exact type of skin and use products specially formulated for your particular skin needs. Our skin needs to breathe, so excessive use of serums, creams, products and masks will only confuse the skin. Make sure you use minimal ingredients and products that provide maximum benefits. Give your products time to work before changing them.

Dr. Sanatham also recommends, Climate change can be extremely severe, especially in India, which makes our skin prone to damage. To keep our skin and skin hydrated and protected and avoid mistakes in skincare, we need an effective skincare regimen, supplemented with plenty of water. Face serum and sunscreen are two must-haves, whether you stay at home or go out.

While each skin type requires different ingredients, the serum is a great addition to any skincare routine because it is rich in active ingredients, lightweight, easy to apply and moisturizing. “These mistakes can also be solved by using active ingredients that are gentle on the skin. Once you find a serum that works for you, keep it! Remember to drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly, and that’s how you’ll always be prepared, ”concludes Dr. Sanatham.

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